Unknown Digital Downloads – Nintendo has treated November 2012 a little differently with their digital downloads as most games were relatively unknown WiiWare and DSiWare games. Early in the month, Mario Picross was available as an eShop Virtual Console download. This original GB game is a cult favorite among puzzle fans and a predecessor to […]
REVIEW – Midway Arcade Origins (360)Blast From The Past – Compilation games are nothing new. Namco, Konami, and even Nintendo constantly find ways and excuses to re-release old games… but for some reason gamers re-buy games all the time and rarely think twice. Just look at all the HD Collections on PS3/360, the Wii Virtual Console catalog, PSN and XBLA […]
BLOG – Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Preview (360/PS3)Getting Revenge Again? – The rough development cycle of Metal Gear Rising has been well documented and gamers should be knowledgeable with the innovated sword slashing cut-and-take gameplay. Instead of revisiting facts any fan already knows, I thought now would be a good time to ponder some burning questions about this upcoming game. Gameplay is […]
REVIEW – Capcom Digital Collection (360)Bang For Your Buck – Back in March 2012, Capcom released their Digital Collection – one disc that is composed of eight of their XBLA games. Originally retailing for $40, this disc was essentially a 50% off compilation disc when it debuted. But now that time has passed, it is possible to obtain this collection […]
REVIEW – Skullcandy SLYR Gaming HeadsetBuzzing Your Ears – Skullcandy has a wide assortment of audio products designed for all budgets and needs, from the higher end Mix Master series to smaller ear buds. Their newest product, the SLYR, is designed for gaming with its mic support for 360, PS3, and PC but the lower sound quality, basic design, and […]
REVIEW – FitBit Classic Pedometer ReviewKeeping Track of Your Life – Everyone wants to be healthier, right? But Americans are busier than ever and finding the time to properly exercise is impossible… Blah blah, we have all heard this before. But have you wondered how active, or inactive, you really are? What is a FitBit? In short, it is very […]
BLOG – $5.03 for Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance!I just scored a sweet deal at Target. Man, I am telling you, it pays to scourer the bins. Hidden between copies of The Sims 3DS and Let’s Cheer for Kinect, I found two copies of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance for 3DS. I guess these two units were originally Target.com orders that were […]
REVIEW – Johnny Hotshot (3DS eShop) ReviewHelp Me – UFO introduced Johnny, their “Mario,” with Johnny KungFu over the summer. While Johnny’s original adventure depicted him as a retro fighting master, this blond haired hero makes his return as a wild western sheriff in Johnny Hotshot, a $5.99 3DS eShop download. But like pretty much every other UFO game, the quality […]
REVIEW – Smart Girl’s Playhouse Mini (DSiWare) ReviewSmart or Ignorant? Instead of being called a “game,” Smart Girl’s Playhouse Mini is more like an app that is designed for very young female DS owners. It is unfair to rate these types of child games against modern games but this mini game compilation is so bare bones that I still would not recommend […]
REVIEW – Zone of the Enders HD Collection (PS3)Matured Never reaching more than a lukewarm cult following, the Zone of the Enders series, created by famous game designer Hideo Kojima, is probably most remembered for being bundled with a coveted demo of Metal Gear Solid 2 back in the PS2’s heyday. Just like the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, these games have received […]