Berserk Boy (Switch) Review
Berserk Boy (Switch) Review

Clearly inspired by Capcom’s Mega Man series, Berserk Boy follows Capcom’s winning formula while adding some modern, personalized flare. Plus, the main character is basically a Super Saiyan wearing cargo shorts and the gameplay puts a much bigger emphasis on dashing. There is a plot, which takes a while to get going, but it takes […]

Genie Reprise (XSX) Review
Genie Reprise (XSX) Review

Described as an atmospheric fantasy adventure, Genie Reprise is an experimental game that is best experienced by niche, patient players. This walking simulator’s gimmick is also its biggest flaw – slowly presented rhyming poetry. The gameplay loop is simple and is barely interactive. From a first-person perspective, the player is dropped into a small environment […]

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