Bouncy Chicken (XSX) Review
Bouncy Chicken (XSX) Review

Bouncy Chicken is sort of like Pong meets Billiards only with low production values and frustrating, not-that-much-fun gameplay. The goal is to shoot a chicken on a non-scrolling single screen stage to bump into all the pieces of corn on the board.  The chicken can ricochet off walls and moving objects, essentially making the chicken […]

Satryn DX (Switch) Review
Satryn DX (Switch) Review

Clearly inspired by 1982ā€™s Robotron: 2084, Satryn DX is Flynn Arcadeā€™s newest, retro arcade-style release. Simply put, if classic Robotron was remade here in 2024, this would be the result. Retaining the same twin-stick controls, sequential level-based stages, and overall save-and-survive gameplay, this $7 digital download has everything that made Eugene Jarvisā€™ original a hit. […]

Hot Blood (PS4) Review
Hot Blood (PS4) Review

Essentially a sequel to the Drunken Fist games, Hot Blood is humorous take on the single player brawler. Hot Blood uses the same engine, visual style, and overall gameplay of Drunken Fist right down the moveset, drinking a beverage to restore health, and the purposely floaty camera and play control. The biggest difference comes from […]

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