A simple mini golf simulator published by RedDeer.Games, nGolf is casual yet picturesque. The pick-up-and-play control scheme is easy to understand but the lack of options and replay value makes the overall experience more on the limited side.

Instead of going with the typical 3-click swing meter, all mini golf holes are completed by using the analog stick to adjust power and direction – just pull back and release.  Unfortunately, this generic control scheme is easy to use but lacks detail, often shooting with either too much or too little power. While it is possible to become more accurate overtime, there will be moments of frustration not due to the player’s skill. In fact, the game compensates for this by pulling the ball towards the hole like a magnet when it gets close enough.

Each hole also has optional stars to collect, guiding the player to the hole, but they do not provide any worthwhile reason to snag them. Instead, the diorama visual presentation becomes the draw. When completed, each hole essentially snaps together like puzzle pieces until one giant picture is completed upon the final hole. While it doesn’t effect gameplay in any way, it looks kind of cool and stands out against other mini golf simulators.

Coincidentally, at the time I am writing this article, Qubic Games, another prevalent Switch publisher, is giving away a free Switch game each day for a week if you own a corresponding game from their library. The first game given away during this limited time promo is Pocket Mini Golf 2 and features the exact same gameplay as nGolf only with a more generic visual theme. Normally I avoid making such blatant comparisons but I cannot avoid this one since I just downloaded such a similar game for free. While nGolf is a more polished game than Qubic’s Pocket Mini Golf series, the gameplay is nearly identical… only one was given away.

By no means is it the best mini golf game, as it lacks depth, replay value and a detailed multiplayer mode, but the casual and easy-going gameplay makes this is simple timewaster for those that do not already own Qubic’s comparative titles.

SCORE: 5.5/10

Also Try: Kirby’s Dream Course (SNES)

Don’t Forget About: Mini Golf Adventure (Switch)

Also Check Out: MiniGolf Tour (Switch)

By: Zachary Gasiorowski, Editor in Chief

Twitter: @ZackGaz

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