Lydia (PS4) Review with Stream (full playthrough with Platinum Trophy) is a different game publisher because they release games that put a heavy focus on story, narrative, and creating a memorable experience that lasts after the console is powered off. Lydia is another game worthy to be placed in the library as its focuses on a child’s youth, struggling with the alcoholism of grown-ups. Using a dark closet and her stuffed bear as an escape, the main character comes to terms with the world she is living in. The hand-drawn, super simple scribble art style also fulfills the dark tones and depressing atmosphere.

In terms of gameplay, there isn’t much happening and is all the better for it. Like an adventure title, the player will occasionally click on things in the environment but the hour-long campaign is linear with no way to get stuck although there are moments of player choice.  In my stream embedded below, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, wound up getting all the Trophies including the Platinum through natural gameplay, and finished the quest when the main character reaches her boiling point. Normally the lack of gameplay can diminish the fun factor when playing a video game but here the story is the driving force and was presented in a way that made me want to play through to the end. There is also weight to the ending, providing a payoff for reaching the end.

I don’t want to spoil the story (I guess you can choose to watch my streamed for that) but for players looking for something unconventional, Lydia is a solid experimental title to put on your wishlist. Besides, it only costs $3 and it is a super easy Platinum so the cost to entry is very low.

SCORE: 7/10

Not As Weird As: Cosmic Top Secret  
Reminds Me Of: ARROG  
For Another Game With A Deep Story Play: Mythic Ocean

By: Zachary Gasiorowski, Editor in Chief
Twitter: @ZackGaz
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