Taking the fight to Hostess’ doorstep, SaraLee has started a cupcake war with their new Chocolate Crème Cupcakes. While they probably won’t win this pastry melee against the Twinkie Kings, they at least can level the playing field.

Just like the Hostess cupcakes every American has been shoving down their pie-holes since the beginning of time, this SaraLee design is remarkably similar to this age-tested treat. Also filled with unhealthy fatty goodness, the SaraLee model looks and tastes just like the Hostess version minus one difference – the frosting.

As a direct response to the white swirl Hostess frosting flourish, SaraLee has opted for a horizontal (or vertical depending on how you are holding it) frosting design. However, this line versus squiggle difference isn’t the feature to focus on here. Instead, the overall texture of the entire frosting layer is much firmer than the Hostess original.

The frosting on this sweet snack can easily be peeled off entirely and removed from the actual cake part. This is kind of a bummer because even just biting into it causes the frosting to teeter-totter away from the rest of the cake. At the same time, removing the frosting and eating it separately might be the preferred way to enjoy this sugary sweet depending on how to like to induce diabetes. Oh yes, and this thing is very sweet.

Like the Hostess dessert, this SaraLee cake is also filled with white crème filling that is basically just a pool of saturated fat. Yes, it is very unhealthy and will probably clog your arteries but it gives this treat that signature moistness and would not be the same without it.

For just a few bucks, on par with the Hostess price, a box of eight will please your pallet and are perfect for school lunches or after dinner treats. It might not have the history of the famous Hostess cake but SaraLee has demonstrated that it doesn’t mess around when it comes to processed desserts.

Pro Tip: freeze’em
On Par With: Hostess
Also Try: running 3.5 miles to burn off the fat
By: Zachary Gasiorowski, Editor in Chief myGamer.com
Twitter: @ZackGaz