Category: Reviews

Game and gadget reviews here.

REVIEW – Mamorukun Curse! (PSN)
REVIEW – Mamorukun Curse! (PSN)

Curse This Shmup – Outside the mobile environment, the Shmup is a dying breed. UFO is looking to fill this gap by localizing Mamorukun Curse! to the PSN. Upon starting this Japanese “cute’em up”, I conjured mixed feelings. Thing is, UFO’s track record is pretty terrible thanks to the abysmal Johnny series on the 3DS […]

REVIEW – Aura-Aura Climber DSiWare/3DS/eShop
REVIEW – Aura-Aura Climber DSiWare/3DS/eShop

Up, Up, and Away – Back in early 2010, Nintendo developed and published Aura-Aura Climber to the under-utilized DSiWare service. This grapple-point platformer has players aiming for the stars in this two-dollar, or 100 Club Nintendo Coin (July 2013), 3DS eShop download. The simple and straightforward gameplay is quickly explained in the opening tutorial level. […]

REVIEW – Mario Tennis Open (3DS)
REVIEW – Mario Tennis Open (3DS)

Close This Open – Known for being over-the-top with super powers, quirky characters, and interactive courts, the Mario Tennis series has always been about colorful and wired gameplay.  Mario Tennis Open, however, is a more straightforward tennis title that is loaded with needless grinding, lack of substance, and poor control schemes. The premise behind this […]

REVIEW – Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone (3DS)
REVIEW – Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone (3DS)

Unleash Your Hidden Potential – More app than an actually game, Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone is a powerful, well-designed tool to train art newcomers as well as professional visual designers.  Using a step-by-step process, the game gently guides the player from conception to finished product while simultaneously learning about art history and design theory […]

REVIEW – Spelunker 3DS Virtual Console
REVIEW – Spelunker 3DS Virtual Console

Weak and Powerless – Countless platformers have been created since videogames were born but Spelunker is in a category of its own.  The graphics are terrible, the soundtrack quickly gets annoying, and is one of the most frustratingly difficult games of all time; you cannot even survive your own jumps! This recipe should spell complete […]

REVIEW – Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon (3DS)
REVIEW – Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon (3DS)

Won’t Stay Puffed – Nintendo has kicked off the “Year of the Luigi” with Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon for the Nintendo 3DS.  A true sequel from the Gamecube cult favorite, Luigi once again is tasked with busting ghosts and saving the day. Professor E. Gadd forces Luigi to help restore the shattered Dark Moon which […]

REVIEW – Link’n’Launch DSiWare
REVIEW – Link’n’Launch DSiWare

It Has Nothing To Do With Zelda – Intelligent Systems, mostly known for their superb Advance Wars, Fire Emblem and Paper Mario series, released this unique puzzler on the DSiWare service back in 2010. This forgotten puzzle game is currently available as a free download from Nintendo’s Club Nintendo program here in June 2013. Link’n’Launch […]

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