Category: Reviews

Game and gadget reviews here.

REVIEW – AiRace Xeno 3DS eShop
REVIEW – AiRace Xeno 3DS eShop

Expansion Pack – Last fall QubicGames released AiRace Speed to the 3DS eShop, a sequel to a couple of DSiWare racers. With its low price point, solid use of stereoscopic 3D, and highly competitive leaderboards, this futuristic racer stood as a sleeper hit for Nintendo’s downloadable service. Now, about nice months later, QubicGames has released […]

REVIEW – Squids Odyssey WiiU eShop
REVIEW – Squids Odyssey WiiU eShop

Strategic Flick’Em Up – Mixing the flicking catapult and level progression gameplay of Angry Birds with the strategy of billiards, Squids Odyssey has extended its mobile roots to the Wii U with a 3DS port set to be released soon. It is a simple concept that translates to some clever and entertaining gameplay but is […]

REVIEW – Child of Light
REVIEW – Child of Light

Rhyming Through – Building from the success of the South Park: The Stick of Truth, Ubisoft’s prose-based RPG Child of Light is a $15 download about a female youth. Built using Ubisoft Framework and familiar RPG light, combat and venturing takes place on a 2D plight. Hero Aurora is red-haired and light because early she […]

REVIEW – R-Type Dimensions PS3/PSN
REVIEW – R-Type Dimensions PS3/PSN

Classically Brutal With A Visual Twist – Originally released on XBLA back in 2009 by Tozai, this 2-in-1 classic compilation has snuck its way onto Sony’s digital PSN platform. Combining both coin-op classics R-Type and R-Type II, Dimensions is basically a lesson in how much you suck at old school shooters. Like Halo Anniversary, one […]

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