Category: Featured

NEWS – Atlus 3DS eShop Sale
NEWS – Atlus 3DS eShop Sale

Atlus just announced that most of their 3DS games are on sale for a limited time. These are the digital eShop versions, not the physical copies.  Code of Princess and Soul Hackers are a couple of myGamer favorites. Official details and links below: The majority of the ATLUS catalogue for the Nintendo 3DS hand-held system, […]

Videocast – Take on Mars (PC)
Videocast – Take on Mars (PC)

This week, Gillman and I give our first attempt to play a pre-release game we go through the motions of streaming Take on Mars, a new game from the awesome people over at Bohemia Interactive. We learn many things about science, none of which seem to stick as we attempt to solve everything by running […]

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