Bomb Cat (Switch) Review

Bomb Cat, published by RedDeer Games on Switch, is a Suika Game clone but with two differences.

The first difference comes from the visual theme. Instead of dropping circle shaped fruit into a well, the player instead drops circle cats of different colors. However, gameplay remains exactly the same. If two of the same shaped pieces collide, they merge to create one bigger piece. Do I prefer cats over fruit? Eh, not really. Both are rather cute and adorable. The upbeat, carnival-ish soundtrack also aligns with the casual gameplay and visual theme.

The second difference comes from the bomb mechanic. Occasionally, the player gains access to a bomb cat. And when this bomb cat touches a fire cat, the bomb cat piece explodes, jostling all pieces within proximity which can cause mergers. So the player not only needs to consider the placement of pieces, activating the bomb at the right time could mean the difference between continuing or game over.

Similar to Suika Game, if a piece touches the top dividing line, it is game over. Frustratingly, a piece can sometimes barely clip this top border after a bomb explosion, sending the player back to the main menu to try again. Since the player doesn’t have direct control of the bomb, this can be annoying and sometimes a bit unfair. It personally caused me a few game overs in which I proceeded to exclaim some four-letter words and rage quit… only to come back a day later and try again.

If you already own Suika Game, there really isn’t a reason to play Bomb Cat as it is literally the same exact game just with a bomb mechanic, but that doesn’t mean it is less fun. It still offers plenty of laid back entertainment at a low price especially if you have not yet played the original game that was copied.

SCORE: 7.5/10

Also Play: Suika Game on Switch or Steam

Better Than: other puzzle games sold at much higher price points

Not To Be Confused With: Bomb Monkey (3DS)

By: Zachary Gasiorowski, Editor in Chief

Twitter: @ZackGaz

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