Kellogg’s is celebrating the 50th anniversary of their world renowned Pop-Tart with a “flavor flashback” chocolate vanilla crème design. Personally, I think it is kind of a weak way to celebrate a 50th birthday but these are tasty treats nonetheless.

These limited birthday edition tarts come with the standard 8 Pop-Tarts in a box, wrapped in pairs. The crust is chocolate while the exterior frosting is vanilla with chocolate crumbles. The inside is a soft, sweet vanilla filling that matches nicely with the rest of pastry. All in all, the flavor and texture is in the middle between the normal chocolate Pop-Tart and the cult favorite S’more version. But like all Pop-Tarts, this bitch is super sweet and shouldn’t qualify as breakfast.

In honesty, I had trouble getting the second tart to go down due to the shockingly sweet taste. And why do they always have to bundle them in twos? I just want one, damn it! The suggested serving size is also one but still pack a couple together. You are forced to eat two because there is no way to reseal the flimsy aluminum foil packaging. And speaking on packaging, why the hell do they put them in foil anyway? Shouldn’t they be placed in something that is microwavable? Or at least come up with a new foil packaging for these special 50th Anniversary tarts? Again, seems like a missed opportunity to celebrate this noteworthy milestone and a wonder why their package design also has not changed in 50 years. Come on Kellogg’s! Package technology has come a long way in a last few decades.

Even the package design doesn’t stand out from the rest of the cereal-like bars that are on store shelves. Because of the muted colors, it is easy to miss the 50th anniversary edition. Also, Kellogg’s wants you to cut out the stupid and poorly drawn Pop-Tarts cartoon character on the back and photobomb your friends using a special hashtag. Yeah, I am sure Pop-Tart eaters will be super excited to do that…

With a normal price point and uninspired packaging, these chocolate/vanilla toastables are on par with most other Pop-Tart flavors. The overly sugary sweet taste and lack of protein should be a red flag as a breakfast supplement but it is hard to ignore the iconic design, portability, long shelf live, and now historical presence of these iconic American made toaster divers.

Not As Good As: eating a real, healthy breakfast
Better Than: turning 50 yourself
Also Try: not having dessert for the first meal of the day
By: Zachary Gasiorowski, Editor in Chief
Twitter: @ZackGaz