Author: squallsnake

REVIEW – Excitebike: World Rally (WiiWare)

Like The NES Version But With Online Multiplayer Initially released back in 2009, Nintendo is offering Excitebike: World Rally as a 200 Coin download for Club Nintendo members here in April 2012.  In short, it is basically the Excitebike you remember but with the inclusion of online multiplayer. The goal of the game is to […]

BLOG – Club Nintendo April 2012

Continuing the monthly tradition of offering new downloadable games in exchange for Club Nintendo coins, Nintendo has made a decent offering this April 2012:   –          You, Me and the Cubes – WiiWare (200 coins) –          Excitebike: World Rally – WiiWare (200 coins) –          Metal Torrent – 3DS eShop (150 coins)   Besides having one […]

REVIEW – Zombie Slayer Diox (3DS eShop)

Kill Zombies With Music Zombie Slayer Diox, a 3DS eShop downloadable title, has a creative concept behind its gameplay but ultimately suffers from quirky control and an unfair difficultly spike. You play as Diox, a Thor-looking rock and roller who feels the need to put a silent X at the end of his name.  As […]

REVIEW – Samurai Sword Destiny (3DS eShop)

Slash, Slash, Slash, Die, Repeat Samurai Sword Destiny is a pretty straightforward and plain game.  From a 2D sidescrolling perspective, the player will button mash through waves of enemies before the horde inevitably overwhelms the player.  Then, take the experience you earned to slowly level up and try again, going a little bit further than […]

REVIEW – SAR: Search and Rescue (PSN)

A Twin Stick Shooter Before Twin Stick Shooters Originally released in 1989, Search and Rescue is a pretty violent and bloody game even by today’s standards.  While the gory visuals are certainly a highlight, the game doesn’t hold up well told due to a cumbersome control scheme. Like P.O.W., Prehistoric Isle, and other classic SNK […]

REVIEW – Defenders of Ardania (XBLA)

Defense Meets Offense Tower defense games are plentiful on both XBLA and iOS. However, Defenders of Ardania introduces a new key element to the tried-n-true defense formula: offense. As entertaining as the offensive side of things sound, DoA suffers from a severe case of imbalance. Instead of outsmarting opponents, just about every match relies on […]

NEWS – Frogger: Hyper Arcade Announced for XBLA, PSN, WiiWare, Mobile

Konami announced Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition is arriving this Spring for the PlayStationNetwork for the PlayStation3 computer entertainment system, Xbox LIVE Arcade, and Nintendo’s WiiWare. The game will also be available for smartphone platforms. Frogger’s coin-op thrills are back and better than ever in Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition! The arcade excitement of Frogger returns in […]

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