3D Don’t Die Mr. Robot, published by EastAsiaSoft for ten dollars, is an arcade arena action game designed around obtaining a high score by avoiding danger. Its simple approach and addicting, fast-paced gameplay makes it one of those “just one more run” type games that you can easily play for five minutes or an hour.
Playing as a cube, it is your job to stay alive in a single screened arena for as long as possible. Enemy types of many varieties spawn randomly, gaining speed over time. Since this downloadable game only uses the left analog stick, Mr. Robot doesn’t have a direct form of attack. Sort of like Pac-Man, fruit randomly appears throughout the stage and explodes when collected. That explosion can destroy most enemies, potentially setting off a chain reaction. The bigger the chain, the bigger the point total, and more temporary breathing room is created. Coins also drop from defeated enemies which can be used to unlock numerous cosmetic items for Mr. Robot.
Arcade mode is your standard leaderboard-reaching endless option but there are alternative gameplay settings to increase replay value. There is a mode where you need to survive for a few minutes while only limes appear. The casual mode starts off easy-going but ramps up after a couple minutes. The Remix mode is objective based and that objective changes from stage to stage. For example, you might need to reach a high score, defeat so many enemies, or make a chain of X number of explosions. Regardless of the mode, the scoring system is addicting and that next learderboard position is usually just a few points away. It is also possible to increase score by coming in close contact with certain enemies, offering a unique risk/reward system for more skilled players.
The simple, electronic visual theme also merges with the slightly goofy EDM soundtrack. The main theme music that announces the game’s title is also a bit of an earworm. Most importantly, it is easy to distinguish enemies and their projectiles against any backdrop. Meaning, each death is solely the player’s fault. Most runs will only last a few minutes at most, which makes it easy to hop right back in and try again. Unfortunately, there is no one-button insta-restart option, my biggest complaint. When you die within the first thirty seconds of a three-minute run, it is better to just restart right then and there instead of waiting for the failed attempt to finish. To do this, you need to pause the game, scroll down a few times, hit quit, then confirm, then load back to the main menu, then click back into the menu option. By this time, players might be better off just playing through that failed run.
3D Don’t Die Mr. Robot is an approachable, casual game that hits the sweet spot, offering the right amount of difficulty given the length of each run. Since the game is nothing more than simply avoiding things and knowing when to trigger the exploding fruit, fans of Vampire Survivors and its numerous clones should take note. This is a highly entertaining, addicting game that constantly dangles that next high score right in front of your face, daring you to hit that retry button one more time.
SCORE: 8/10
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By: Zachary Gasiorowski, Editor in Chief myGamer.com
X/Twitter: @ZackGaz
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