Simple and Easy Going –
From the same company that brought us the underappreciated Witch & Hero, Wakedas is a casual pick-up-and-play downloadable puzzle game on the Nintendo 3DS eShop.
The goal is to connect colored pieces on a grid- think organizing the single side of a Rubik’s cube. The concept behind the game is so simple there is no tutorial or instructions screen of any kind. But that is where the brilliantly simple gameplay comes into play as the learning curve only takes a few seconds.

The first set of puzzles takes place on a small grid with the difficulty ramping up with a perfect pace. Besides dealing with an eventual larger grid, solid colored boxes start sporting multicolors and shapes to spice up the challenge. Even though the game does get more difficult with time, it mostly remains an easy going gaming experience. There is something about the soft pastel colors, overly simplistic nature of the gameplay, and gentle soundtrack that makes Wakedas a laid back and refreshing puzzle game experience; sometimes you don’t want to race against the clock, strategize against opponents, or deal with increasing speed.

This is definitely not the new Tetris and puzzle fans might be disappointed in the lack of overall difficulty but casual fans will find a winner with this low cost download ($2.99).
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