Undercooked –
Like Crazy Chicken: Pirates 3D, Crazy Chicken: Director’s Cut 3D is a rerelease of the original lightgun DSiWare shooter only with poorly implemented stereoscopic 3D support.

The inclusion of online leaderboards is a step forward but with only two levels and no way to lose, Director’s Cut 3D is a short lived one-trick pony; players will be able to see everything the game has to offer in about five minutes. Just like Pirates 3D, the goal is to shoot innocent chickens in a cheesy environment – in this case – a horror and space movie setting. It is charming to witness Star Wars and Men In Black references but shooting mindless chickens is boring and repetitive especially when they do not fight back and it is frustrating when objects in the background look like they can be shot for extra bonus points but wind up being non-interactive wasted ammo. Perhaps the biggest upset is the fact that is 3D effect, the big selling point of this 3DS port, actually makes the game worse as objects in the background get in the way. Also targets can awkwardly overlap and chickens will peculiarly spawn from the edge of the screen as opposed to edge of the stage.

Instead of getting trigger happy within a limited amount of time, Direct Cut makes you pick your shots as the goal is to snipe a set number of specific targets. It is nice to be able to slow down and have the clock on your side but being limited to the number of bullets available isn’t entertaining either. And thanks to the limited number of repeating stages and the complete lack of challenge, this low priced downloadable title can be hardly considered a game at all.

Not As Good As: Time Crisis
Do You Also Know About: Asterix and Obelix?
Also Try: buying organic free range chicken
By: Zachary Gasiorowski, Editor in Chief myGamer.com
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