Tag: Fruitbat Factory

VIDEOCAST – ∀kashicforce (PC)
VIDEOCAST – ∀kashicforce (PC)

What has to be one of the craziest, weirdest, and fast paced puzzle games we’ve ever played, ∀kashicforce still doesn’t make any sense to us even after spending quite a bit of time with it. Not that it is bad, it just hard to describe when so much is happening at once without any tutorial […]

VIDEOCAST – Dungeon Girl (PC)
VIDEOCAST – Dungeon Girl (PC)

Dungeon Girl, one of the latest titles from the Fruitbat Factory, is a RPG puzzle game that sells for about $12 on Steam. During the stream, we not only play the game but we also talk about plagiarism, the new Yakuza game, and even some Super Mario Odyssey. Since we discuss some of the pros […]


A Japanese cat-based 2D shmup shooting weird alien things and common household items with eyeballs in a single player bullethell? Why not, right? This is Neko Navy, a game by DeathMofuMofu and Fruitbat Factory. Along the way, Squall talks about his PS4 buying experience, upcoming E3, and we try and set a high score on […]

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